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Table 5 Estimation results for elasticity of demand

From: Residential fuel consumption and technology choices: an application of FGNLS and random effects binary logit model


(Budget share of fuel type)




Budget share for firewood

Effective cost of firewood

− 0.975*** (− 1.8e + 04)

Budget share for charcoal

Effective cost of charcoal

− 0.958*** (− 1.1e + 05)

Budget share for electricity

Effective cost of electricity (baking)

− 0.979*** (− 6.2e + 05)

Budget share for electricity

Effective cost of electricity (cooking)

− 0.979*** (− 6.2e + 05)

  1. z statistics in parentheses
  2. *p < 0.05
  3. **p < 0.01
  4. ***p < 0.001