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Table 7 Pairwise ranking of tree/shrub species nominated for litter study in the homegarden agroforestry systems of the study sites, southwestern and southern Ethiopia

From: Leaves litterfall and nutrient inputs from four multipurpose tree/shrub species of homegarden agroforestry systems


Pairwise ranking

C. macrostachyus

H. abyssinica

E. brucei

M. sylvestris

M. ferruginea

C. macrostachyus


C. macrostachyus


M. sylvestris

C. macrostachyus

H. abyssinica




M. sylvestris

H. abyssinica

E. brucei




M. sylvestris

E. brucei

M. sylvestris





M. sylvestris

M. ferruginea




