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Table 2 Vulnerability indicators and their functional relationships with vulnerability [Compiled based on Moss et al. (2001) and Hahn et al. (2009)]

From: Rural households’ agricultural land vulnerability to climate change in Dembia woreda, Northwest Ethiopia


Explanations of specific indicators

Hypothesized relationships to vulnerability

Farmland size, quality, policy input use and training

Inverse of total farmland size households own

Adaptive capacity ↓ as land size ↓ vulnerability ↑

Household heads’ farmland located in the rugged terrain

Sensitivity ↓ as population at risk ↓ vulnerability ↓

Household heads who reported very high farmland erosion

Exposure ↑ as population at risk of erosion ↑ vulnerability ↑

Households’ own farmlands with poor fertility

Sensitivity ↑ as own infertile land ↑ vulnerability ↑

Percent of households whose farmland affected by floods

Sensitivity ↑ as households who own flooded ↑ vulnerability ↑

Crop yield index (yield per hectare)

Adaptive capacity ↑ as yield per hectare ↑ vulnerability ↓

Crop yield trend stability

Adaptive capacity ↑ as crop yield stability ↑ vulnerability ↓

Household heads who unable to save crops for the time of food deficit

Sensitivity ↑ as the HHs ↑ Vulnerability ↑

Household heads who unable to put seeds for the next cropping season

Sensitivity ↑ as the HHs ↑ Vulnerability ↑

Household heads who are in fear of losing their farmlands

Adaptive capacity ↓ as the No. of HHs ↑ ↑ vulnerability ↑

Household heads who didn’t get certificate for their farmlands

Adaptive capacity ↓ as the No. of HHs ↑ vulnerability ↑

Distance to fertilizer market center

Sensitivity ↑ as distance ↑ vulnerability ↑

Household heads who failed to use modern fertilizers

Adaptive capacity ↓ as the No. HHs ↓ vulnerability ↑

Inverse of the amount of modern fertilizer use

Adaptive capacity ↓ as the fertilizer use ↓ vulnerability ↑

Household heads who do not get land management training

Adaptive capacity ↑ as trained HHs ↓ vulnerability ↑


Mean standard deviation of average maximum temperature by month

Exposure ↑ as maximum to variability ↑ vulnerability ↑

Mean standard deviation of average maximum temperature by year

Exposure ↑ as maximum to variability ↑ vulnerability ↑

Mean standard deviation of average minimum temperature by month

Exposure ↑ as minimum to variability ↑ vulnerability ↑

Mean standard deviation of average minimum temperature by year

Exposure ↑ as minimum to variability ↑ vulnerability ↑


Average monthly standard deviation of rainfall (1980–2011) by month

Exposure ↑ as rainfall deviation by month ↑ vulnerability ↑

Average monthly standard deviation of rainfall (1980–2011) by year

Exposure ↑ as rainfall deviation by year ↑ vulnerability ↑

Average number of hazards occurred in the past 10 years

Exposure ↑ as frequency of droughts ↑ vulnerability ↑

Hazards frequency

Reported death of livestock in the past 5 years

Sensitivity ↑ as death of livestock ↑ vulnerability ↑

HHs reported their family members faced injury/death by climate hazards

Health Sensitivity ↑ as injury and death ↑ vulnerability ↑