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Box 1 .

From: Water accessibility impact on girl and women’s participation in education and other development activities: the case of Wuchale and Jidda Woreda, Ethiopia

My name is 'Debele Guta'. I live here in Siba Dega for 60 years. Our kebele is mostly dependent on animal husbandry. The problem of access to water (weather it is water from river, spring, pond, etc.) within our kebele was greatly influencing our life and the life of our cattle. Our children, mainly girls and women, were un able to follow their education and participate in different day to day activities of our survival respectively. without water it is impossible to exist and work your economic activity efficiently. For instance, in this dynamic environment and frequently changing natural conditions, it is impossible to depend only on agricultural crop production. Hence in order to feed my family, based on the new technology advised by our development agent I was participating on fattening of cattle and sheep. However, due to lack of access to drinking water (even for cattle), I sold all of them and currently my family is in great strange. We need urgent response from our government with regard to water resource supply since our community are influenced by joint impact of climate change and water supply which in turn influence our livelihoods as well.