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Table 1 Determinants of OFATR with expected hypothesized relationships

From: Conservational tree growing by smallholder farm households: evidence from Gamo highlands of Southern Ethiopia


Description of variables


Expected sign

Dependent variable


Whether a household adopted conservational tree growing or not

Dummy (1 if grows ecological trees including a mix of indigenous species, 0 otherwise)


Independent variables

1. Demographic factors


Family size of the household

Number of people in the household



Age of the household head

Formal age in number of years



Sex of the household head

Dummy (1 if female, 0 if male)


2. Socio-economic factors



Formal educational background of the household head

Categorical variable (no schooling = 1, grades 1–4 = 2, grades 5–8 = 3, grades 9–12 = 4, and grades above 12 = 5)



Occupation background of the household head

Dummy (1 if farming only, 0 if both farming and others)



Source of household’s income

Dummy (1 if collects cash income from trees, 0 otherwise)



Active labor force in the household

Number of active labor members



Training received about the role of tree growing in environmental conservation

Dummy (1 if yes, 0 if no)



Tree growing experience in the past

Dummy (1 if yes, 0 if no)


3. Agro-ecological and farm specific factors


Availability of suitable land area for tree growing

Hectares of land area owned by the household and located on sloppy mountainous areas



Farm size of the household

Total hectares of land owned by the households (in hectares)



Sufficient availability of seedlings

Dummy (1 if yes, 0 if no)



High potential perennial agro-ecological zone

Dummy (1 if the respondent belongs to HPP zone, 0 otherwise)



High potential cereal agro-ecological zone

Dummy (1 if the respondent belongs to HPC zone, 0 otherwise)



Low potential cereal agro-ecological zone

Dummy (1 if the respondent belongs to LPP zone, 0 otherwise)

  1. Source: Authors’ compilation